An amazing start to 2024


Skinjob has been remastered is is now on tour with the Philip K Dick Film Festival.




Cargo has been winning awards around the globe. You can watch the film HERE 



We currently

have 2 new films in the pipeline..


You can view a teaser trailer HERE


Napoleon Valentine and the Toxic Revengers - 
Please email for further details

Byzantium – Looking for investors in feature film

Our BAFTA and Cannes selected short film Byzantium – Lara and Benny is now being developed into a feature length animation.
We are  looking for investors to assist in making this a reality.  Please take a look at the concept artwork and stills below.
If you’re interesting in helping then you can get in touch via our contact page or email us directly HERE  .
Thank you

Theresa Godly at Cannes 2018




Skinjob still getting attention around the world!

Our short animated film titled Skinjob – A Blade Runner Story has been gaining a lot of attention and momentum since its release at Cannes in 2017.

A group of Android slave workers steal a space shuttle Off – World and journey back to Earth to find answers to the question why do they exist? Its a dangerous journey which they have to take in a bid for freedom.