Over many years we have worked for some  major clients, all of which were very satisfied and happy with the works created.
Hidden City Games USA
Stink TV Advertising UK
The Kings Head Theatre London UK
International labels USA
Grass Horse Animation USA
Blacklight Transmedia USA
Royal Worcester UK
Danbury Mint UK
Welcomebreak Hotels UK
The Horror Channel UK
The Bible Society UK
Liverpool City of Culture UK
Shamin Diesi Ad Director INDIA
Pygnosis Software UK
Core Design Software UK
Saga Software UK
Krysalis Software UK
Bleeding Edge Films UK
Covent Garden/Arclight films UK
BDO Irish  International. RI
Carlsberg Larger RI
Holland Studio Craft UK
Hudson and Middleton Ceramics UK
Barclays Bank UK
Hurricane Films UK
Working Title Films UK
Gillette {Storyboards Inc} USA
Jim Beam {Storyboards Inc} USA
Pepsi {Storyboards Inc} USA
Alfa Romeo {Storyboards Inc} USA